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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Paraskevopulos

The Project Garage: For The Pro

Updated: Nov 13, 2023

Believe it or not, your brain is as valuable as your body

Construction worker using a mitre saw
Photo Credit to Annie Gray on Unsplash

Wow. That's a shocker of a subtitle right? What the heck are we on about? I'll bet no one has ever let you know that your years of experience might actually be an asset you can leverage.

Well times have changed.

Stick with us for a bit. I promise we will stop sounding like we ate a dictionary, and get to the point.

At The Project Garage, we are team skilled trades. We love what you do, we support what you do, and we want more people to do it. We also work in the skilled trades, so we have first hand knowledge about what many of the issues are.

Do any of these these sound familiar:

  1. You have more calls for service than time, and you have to ignore the smaller jobs because they don't generate enough revenue

  2. Inflation and gas prices have bitten into your bottom line and it no longer makes sense to service more remote areas or to take certain jobs

  3. More and more people are asking for your help or attention, but they balk at the cost of things and try and try and negotiate what you get paid

  4. People want help and advice for free. If you aren't doing the physical job, they assume your information and time are freebies.

  5. When you need to make some extra money, you only choice is to do extra physical work, and it feels like you can never recover.

  6. You live in a smaller community and you are limited to the market you can serve and it's hard to find other pros in your profession for support or so you can level up

  7. If you are sick or injured and can't work, you don't get paid.

  8. You want to retire, but you need some way to make some extra money once you do

I'll bet any number of these apply to you. And if you have been working in the trades for any amount of time, it's likely you are feeling the wear and tear on your body. Your body is breaking down and you are trying to figure out how exactly you will continue doing what you do. Or maybe you just want to scale back a bit, but you can't because you have bills to pay. Well here is a secret:

Information is the new currency

You don't have to keep beating your body down as the only way to make money. There is a way for you to earn by using your information instead. There are people out there who just want help with advice and planning, and your information is valuable. You just aren't set up to deliver services in this way. And that's where we can help.

We are developing a marketplace to connect you with DIYers so you can offer paid advice or planning services.

We are getting clients everyday who are willing to pay your hourly rate to work through a single issue or multiple issues. And you know what is in your control?

  • Your availability

  • Your rate per hour

  • Your services

  • The area you serve

  • The extent of the advice

Hey Project Garage, you ask, why can't I just do this myself?

Well we are working hard to make sure that this experience is frictionless, that you have legal protections in place, and that you have access to a giant pool of jobs all across Canada. (except Quebec- Désolé Québec. Vos lois ont besoin d'un peu plus d'investigation avant de vous inclure. Nous travaillons dessus!) The need for you to legally protect yourself, and to be able to control when and how people access you are two massive reasons, but of course there are many more. But we can't give you all our secrets!

So let's make a deal. We will keep working on making The Project Garage an amazing experience, and why don't you consider the possibility that you could increase your bottom line while sipping a cup of coffee in your pyjamas.

It doesn't beat swinging a hammer, but your bones and your wallet will thank you.

We look forward to welcoming you.

© Stephanie Paraskevopulos 2023


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